Thursday, November 5, 2015

Spot's Cave - AKA. the Second Level's Entrance

Hey! I already finished the main hub map, but I do not want to show it at this time!
Right now I will show one of the areas...

Closer to the level entrance... Also I may replace that door model.
Blue Moon Forest is the first level, now we got a cave...
The level will be focused as a cave level, it's about it being more mysterious and also a little bit of Donkey Kong Country 3's style too.

Speaking of that, I was able to use this interesting grass effect.

Making this work may require some expert thinking..
It involves layer tricks. Sadly Blender would corrupt the order based off Sketchup whenever you reopen the .obj after Blender. The way I import is when I export as a COLLADA (.dae) file from Sketchup, then I import into Blender, then export as an .obj).
I had to reopen the .obj to configure the UV on some of the mountains..

However after hours of failing, I found one simple trick. Just import the grass layers from a separate .dae to the already existing .obj, then change the texture directory to the texture from the main .obj (Hard to explain?) export area, then the layer would be correct.

So yeah! Got a lot more maps to do with the hub world! Man...

Oh yeah.. I made a shocking discovery...

If you look closer, you will see not only a face, but a devil face.. O_O
There is even another face, but in a different style next to it on the left! In the first snapshot, you can kind of see it...
Now I know Rare has made face drawings on many walls of Grunty's Lair.. But I do not think this was intentional... especially since this formed by the texture reversing on one side...

Well, that's it for today!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Someone just told me there was trouble linking here to this blog.
I first decided to look around my blog tracker and I've found some really disturbing link.
It led to some disturbing article that was bullying someone I know..

Apparently this person thinks it's me.
I've gotten some information saying it was me because of some other post that posted a picture of Humphrey from a wolf movie I thought was pretty awesome.

Wow do some people think it's a rare gem?

I do not want to promote this bullying garbage so I will not give any links out.
I was suggested however to change the blog home page link. Maybe I need to.


OK. As for this hack I might still upload stuff to it!

Sunday, July 26, 2015


So.. I'm working on a small hack for Banjo Kazooie. A lot of it will be using the keep textures. Some textures are custom, and some are part custom (Editing existing textures I didn't make)
All of it will take place inside a spaceship. Here is a random picture of one part!
---Picture may have had bug issues where it may have not loaded, it was removed for now.---

Spaceship Newbee: "Umm sir? Where does that closed door lead too?"
Spaceship Master: "OH GOD, I forgot about that part of my spaceship. Let's just say there was another employee who may have caused a lot of trouble in Sector 4 of the spaceship, and then I wanted him to go into this room, that has a portal leading back to his world, then locked the door for now.."
Spaceship Newbee: "Oh.. umm alright."

Sadly folks, the laser beams don't animate, or even scroll. I cannot seem to turn on the scrolling for the object and Skill has not had a feature to allow animated texture frames or something.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sorry For Not Being Here Much

I have been focusing on a lot of problems for months.. However during some time, I was slowly working on this (Picture). It was much bigger, and for now I wanted to make it more smaller.
This was used using a much updated version of Banjo's Backpack which can be found here:

Sadly as for the main hack, I still yet to wait for some things. You know, I've never made a full hack before, and I fear this could fade.. I hope not.. I just need to figure out how I can handle the level order and hub and such...