Sunday, July 26, 2015


So.. I'm working on a small hack for Banjo Kazooie. A lot of it will be using the keep textures. Some textures are custom, and some are part custom (Editing existing textures I didn't make)
All of it will take place inside a spaceship. Here is a random picture of one part!
---Picture may have had bug issues where it may have not loaded, it was removed for now.---

Spaceship Newbee: "Umm sir? Where does that closed door lead too?"
Spaceship Master: "OH GOD, I forgot about that part of my spaceship. Let's just say there was another employee who may have caused a lot of trouble in Sector 4 of the spaceship, and then I wanted him to go into this room, that has a portal leading back to his world, then locked the door for now.."
Spaceship Newbee: "Oh.. umm alright."

Sadly folks, the laser beams don't animate, or even scroll. I cannot seem to turn on the scrolling for the object and Skill has not had a feature to allow animated texture frames or something.