Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Room I Made

I remember making a similar room from the rooms from Mad Monster Mansion, and it was pretty fun. First I made one about a cake, then one about Hitler, and now...

Warning: Scary picture on right.
The point of this main level was that there would be another house (similar to Mad Monster Mansion) that had even more scary rooms.. Though, the first one, I can't remember if it was meant to be scary.

This one, let's just say the story goes something like this: This house had two lost failures in it, that always destroy the house because they can't learn to be polite around anyone.. This house also got lost, and abandoned. Yet, some stuff was left. Two photos of the forgotten people were found.

The more finished version of the model - with objects.
A corner view.
Yep, I made this for about 3 days.

It's also one of those rooms where you are small. Similar to how you were small in some rooms in the level of Mad Monster Mansion.

In the game.
Earlier time - When I didn't have the flames showing
Update! Video here. Update done-

Notes: The picture on the right of the one with Banjo in it looks like some My Little Pony art-style. I'm sure it is, but I'm not doing this just because of bronies, I'm doing this because these two idiots are extremely delusional. Possibly trolls who always try to piss people off.

Edit: I also wonder if I should make that room on my profile icon, an area for Banjo too? xD
When someone got really scared of someone! With the scary computer with some scary website on the computer. :D


  1. You know there's a point where this got pathetic

    We've passed that long ago

    1. ..And there was a point where your delusional and offensive post about me on Horse "News" got pathetic.
      I've passed that long ago.

      Also, troll, I have been asking this for awhile now.. Give me your honest, non-biased points saying that "your right".
      Please, I ask you this, and this time, try not to use "immature name calling" this time while doing so.

      *Talking to the guy who: Makes fun of me for liking something different while liking MLP, claims (about 3 times) that plagiarizing a picture means Fair Use, failed to argue my proof of "failure to fall under Fair Use", continues to talk crap about me, etc.*


      I don't think I will stop this any time soon. Trust me, "it's fair".
